Covid-19-The fightback series-Akarigo

THE FIGHTBACK: USING COVID19 to build a better, stronger business

Amongst its devastation, COVID19 has forced change on everyone. This gives SMEs, a golden opportunity to modernise and build a stronger, more agile business. We see that SME success is a vital part of The Fightback against the pandemic. Every country across the globe really needs its SMEs to step up to the plate.

Today, being a truly agile business is vital for future success. It requires the right business structure and processes combined with the right technology.

For our contribution to The Fightback, we have collaborated with BOS, the business organisation people. Together, we offer you a simple, one-stop facility to help you achieve future success. We see that building a modern, agile business has four principal themes.”

The Fightback Series

We see that building a modern, agile business has four principal themes:

1. Building the right internal organisation where people are aligned, take on increased responsibility and readily report their performance.

2. Being a truly customer centric business which places the customer at the heart of every activity and builds a 360 degree view of their needs, feedback and preferences.

3. Having key data readily available to measure and forecast performance and make better, more informed decisions at all levels of the business (individual, team and leadership).

4. The management team using that key data to orchestrate the business and focus their resources on developing and growing the business.

Implementing these four steps will enable you to build a strong, secure and highly valuable business. Our collaboration with BOS makes it easy for you to implement them.

To learn more, sign up for the Fightback series.

Akarigo & BOS

We have teamed up with BOS for the Fightback Series because of our shared beliefs and philosophy.

We both want to help SMEs succeed.
We both believe that today, business success comes from the synergy of purpose, people and process.
The right technology drives good process improves communication and empowers people.
Today, in every area of business, the right technology is crucial.

But, also, technology works best for SMEs that have the right, modern organisation and processes.

To read more about BOS visit:

THE FIGHTBACK: Global Survey

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Ready to start your Fightback

To learn more, sign up for the Fightback series.

Odoo: Making companies a better place, one app at a time

Business software should cover complex needs without being complicated. Odoo’s mission is to provide software that is intuitive, full-featured, tightly integrated, effortless to upgrade, all the while running smoothly for every business, every user.