Table of Contents

Clean & fast

Efficient and Responsive User Interface

Experience a sleek and efficient user interface tailored for modern inventory management. Increase productivity and accomplish more with ease, whether using barcode scanners or not.

Streamlined Vendor Bill Control

Seamlessly compare information across purchase orders, vendor bills, and receipts to ensure accurate payment processing through comprehensive 3-way matching.

Simplified Purchase Tenders

Initiate purchase tenders, seamlessly integrate vendor responses into the process, and effortlessly compare propositions. Select the best offer and send purchase orders with ease. Utilise reporting tools to evaluate vendor quality.

Optimise procurement with blanket order agreements

Secure goods from suppliers at negotiated prices on a recurring basis within specific timeframes, streamlining procurement processes and enhancing efficiency.

Efficient Request for Quotations (RfQ) Management

Create RfQs for Suppliers

Effortlessly configure each product to generate Requests for Quotations for individual suppliers.

Flexible Sending Options

Send RfQs conveniently through email directly from the application or generate printable versions for sending by post, all with just a single click.

Multi-Item Offers

Streamline the process by sending out RfQs for multiple products simultaneously.

Personalised Communication

Add custom messages to suppliers for each RfQ sent, allowing for personalised interactions.

Automated RfQs

Save valuable time by automating the RfQ process through rules that trigger the sending of requests to suppliers based on stock levels.

Variants Grid Entry

Enhance purchase order accuracy and efficiency by incorporating product variants using a grid or matrix that displays all possible attribute combinations, such as sizes and colours.

Efficient order management

Track RfQs and Orders

Monitor the status of your quotes and orders, including order amounts and expected delivery dates. Eliminate the need to generate draught purchase orders, as they auto-complete when creating draught invoices.

Streamline Incoming Product Management

Maintain accurate stock records and allocate quantities and locations for each batch of received items, ensuring efficient inventory management.

Automated Ordering

Optimise the ordering process by configuring procurement rules that automatically generate orders based on stock levels, minimum quantities per location or supplier, sales data, and other defined parameters. Automate procurement to save time and streamline operations.

Effective invoice management

Create draft Invoices

Generate draft versions of invoices that can be conveniently modified or cancelled at a later stage, providing flexibility in the invoicing process.

Monitor future orders

Stay informed about orders scheduled for future dates, allowing for better planning and order management.

Manage Internal Item Movements

Efficiently organise the transfer of items between two owned locations, ensuring proper tracking and control over internal inventory movements.

Efficient Product Handling:

Create Products

Effortlessly define product details such as sale price, type, barcode, and reference to easily distinguish similar products and streamline inventory management.

Supplier Reference

Include the reference that each supplier uses for the item to make identification easier for both you and the suppliers.

Product Variants

Add variations such as colour, memory capacity, etc. to the product, enabling a cleaner and more organised product list.

Procurement Rules

Specify suppliers distributing the item, set priority orders, record delivery times, and define minimal order quantities to streamline the procurement process and save time on new orders.

Enhanced Search Filters

Efficiently search for products using supplier references on purchase orders, ensuring easy and accurate retrieval of desired items.

Flexible Units of Measure

Purchase products in different units of measure and let Odoo handle the conversions seamlessly.

Stock Management and Availability

Track stock levels, incoming orders, and product availability, ensuring real-time visibility of inventory status.

Storage Location Specification

Define the precise position of the product within your warehouse, allowing for efficient storage and retrieval.

Sale Conditions

Define warranty duration and specify customer and manufacturer lead times, ensuring an accurate representation of sale conditions.

POS and Website Specifications

Include specific product specifications for point-of-sale transactions or website display, enhancing the customer experience and information accuracy.

Incorporate Accounting Rules

Specify accounting categories and define customer and supplier accounts and taxes, ensuring proper financial management and compliance.

Comprehensive Analysis and Forecasting


Utilise pre-defined dashboards or create custom ones using the advanced reporting engine. Easily share filters with your team, enabling collaborative data analysis.

Inventory Forecasts

Obtain accurate forecasts of product availabilities by leveraging confirmed sales orders, purchase orders, manufacturing orders, and internal movement data. Gain insights into future stock levels for effective inventory planning.

Multi-Company Management

Automatic Reconciliation between Companies

Save significant time and effort on transactions between your group's companies as transactions are automatically reconciled across all modules. For instance, sales orders and purchase orders are automatically mirrored in a multi-company setup.

Unified Odoo Environment for Multiple Companies

Effectively manage multiple companies within a single Odoo environment, providing centralised control and streamlined operations.

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+44(0)203 951 0012
20-22 Wenlock Road London N1 7GU

Book your personal discovery call now

To help us, please fill in a few quick details below

+44(0)203 951 0012
20-22 Wenlock Road London N1 7GU